Sunday, September 13, 2009

Work and School

Well here goes my first post. A forewarning I am a horrible story teller, but this blog is to occassionally let me vent and nothing on here regarding patients is true or factual (I.E. names, dates, ages, and locations have been changed for HIPAA reasons.)

I work 48hrs a week which isn't too bad. What sucks is that I don't run from a station so about 30 of those hours is spent sitting in a ambulance in an uncomfortable position. I have applied to nearby companies whose medics run 911 calls, but with this economy there just aren't that many positions out there.

Schoolwise I am studying for my degree in EMS management. I like the classes that focus on EMS, but a majority of the classes focus on Healthcare in general. It is good to have an overall view, but still when you are trying to focus on one area, it would be nice to just take EMS classes.

More to follow later, I have plenty of calls that I could talk about as a transport medic. It always amazes me as to nursing homes calling private companies for ambulance transport when the patient either didn't need to go at all or it was so serious 911 should have been called hours ago.